The above picture may be blurry but it helps to give an idea of what the crown of thorns looked like that was placed on Jesus's head. Here in western Pennsylvania, we don't typically get thorns that are this big. I know some of you may have an accurate understanding of the crown of thorns and what it looked like but what I want to emphasize here is the significance of the little things.
Just the other day I found myself complaining to God. Some of it was big but most of my complaints were about little things. Little problems and annoyances can pile up into one big fat complaint. Feeling convicted I immediately challenged myself with the task of thanking God for all the good things in my life. At first I was annoyed but the more things I thanked God for, the more humble and truly grateful I became. The thing is that in my ten minute walk to campus, i found that I did not run out of things to be grateful for. I have about 22 years worth. I thought I was going to be late to a meeting but I ended up being there right on time.
God is blessing us every moment we're alive. Are we awake to these little gifts and blessings? Or are we so focused on the problems and troubles we face. One of those thorns would be painful. Can you imagine a whole crown of them? This was one little thing amidst the whole excruciating process of crucifixion. Yet so much good came out of something so terrible and painful. We have been redeemed. With this in mind, even our sufferings can bring good things. Does the Bible not say this? I seem to recall a passage that says something like this. Do you know it?
While the little issues and annoyances of life can seem to add up, they cannot compare with the blessings we receive daily. I challenge you then to stop focusing on what you want changed and focus on the the good things God has done in your life. If you're having a difficult time getting started, here's a starting list:
Christ's sacrifice
God's daily Grace and mercy
The ability to think
An atmosphere that is livable
A wide variety of creatures in the world
Beautiful landscapes
A wide variety of people to meet and befriend
A wide variety of food
Medical advancements
The Bible
The people you care about
Extra Credit:
Share what you're thankful for in the comments or on the forum page "Thankful For..." And don't ever forget the good things God has done for you. Ungratefulnes is then enemy of humility.
I am requesting requests! Have a topic you want me to address? Have a passage of scripture you want me to post about? Send me a message or post it in the comments! I cannot promisethat I will get to it in reasonable timing or that I will do it at all but I will most certainly try my best.