I Say/ Deep Down Inside
I see my friend and they ask,
“How are you?”
"Okay" I say, though
I know it isn't true,
Because deep down inside
I feel a dark cloud looming
The cold of the rain
I hear the thunder and
The lightning is striking my tender heart.
Deep down inside
I feel I am in space
But I cannot see the stars
And the moon to light my way
There are no galaxies or suns
There are no dustings of colors
There are no nebula.
Deep down inside
I feel lost in a cave
Of hopelessness
Of pain
Of dank darkness and suffering
But I don't know how I got there
It doesn't make sense
That I should feel the lightning and the cold
Or not see the light show all around
And that I should smell the dank darkness
All pressing on me at once.
But I see the smile on my friend’s face
And smell the fragrant flowering air
And hear the mellifluous sounds of birds
And see the vibrant leaves grass and flowers
I see the blue sky and bright sunshine that
Envelops me in warmth so sweetly.
I can't be in a storm space or cave
The world around me is so beautiful.
Another friend joins us,
“How are you?”
I hesitate,
I say.